Drug Screening and Discovery using Zebrafish as an Animal Model

Drug Screening and Discovery using Zebrafish as an Animal Model

Time vs. Distance Moved

Drug Efficacy Test


I) For drug discovery

Epilepsy: Using a stablished method in 5 dpf larvae to identify compounds effective against epilepsy

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): Using a novel method in 6 dpf larvae to identify potential drugs to cure ALS

Diabetes: Glucose measurement in 7 dpf larvae to identify compounds efficient in lowering blood glucose levels.

Brain Micro-bleeding (BMB)/Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH): Using established methods to identify efficient compounds to rescue the bleeding in 3 dpf larvae

Parkinson: Using MPP+ model to identify potential drugs in 5 dpf larvae

Anxiety: Thigmotaxis assay to identify anxiolytics and anxiogenics in 3 dpf larvae

Stress: Assessment of locomotor activity and photomotor response in 5 dpf larvae by performing alternating light/dark locomotion assay using DanioVision Noldus tracking system to identify efficient compounds

Wound Healing: Tailfin transection in 4 dpf larvae and assaying its healing 4 and 6 days after wounding to identify efficient compounds

Rare Genetic Diseases: Generating knockdown zebrafish by using gene specific morpholino (antisense oligonucleotide) at 1 to 4 cell stage embryos and characterizing the induced phenotype to identify the compounds which show rescue effect and explore novel therapeutic strategies.

II) For novel cosmetics development

Anti-oxidation: In-vivo anti-oxidation assays in 3 dpf larvae to identify antioxidants for pharma and cosmetics

Melanin Quantification: Using stablished methods in 2 dpf larvae to identify whitening-agents for cosmetics
