Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS): Using a novel method in 6 dpf larvae to identify effective compounds for treating ALS.
Anxiety: Performing a thigmotaxis assay in 3 dpf larvae to identify effective compounds with anxiolytic properties.
Epilepsy: Using stablished methods in 5 dpf larvae to identify efficient compounds to cure epilepsy.
Diabetes: Glucose measurement in 7 dpf larvae to identify the compounds which are efficient in lowering glucose level.
Brain Micro-bleeding (BMB)/Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH): Using stablished methods to identify efficient compounds to rescue the bleeding in 3 dpf larvae.
Parkinson: Using MPP+ model to identify potential drugs in 5 dpf larvae
Stress: Assessment of locomotor activity and photomotor response in 5 dpf larvae by performing alternating light/dark locomotion assay using DanioVision Noldus tracking system to identify efficient compounds
Wound Healing: Tailfin transection in 4 dpf larvae and assaying its healing 4 and 6 days after wounding to identify efficient compounds
Anti-oxidation: In-vivo anti-oxidation assays in 3 dpf larvae to identify antioxidants for pharma and cosmetics
Melanin Quantification: Using stablished methods in 2 dpf larvae to identify whitening-agents for cosmetics