High-touch environmental surfaces (HITES) in healthcare and other settings can acquire infectious agents during contact with hands or by the settling of airborne …
High-touch environmental surfaces (HITES) in healthcare and other settings can acquire infectious agents during contact with hands or by the settling of airborne …
The scientific objective of this study was to develop a quantitative and field-relevant protocol to study the effect of combining disinfection and wiping of …
Previously, CREM Co Labs started developing a method for the unique method for the direct capture of airborne bacteriophages. A peer-reviewed …
This project aims to address the problem of regrowth of tumor tissue after bacteriolytic treatment. Our goal is to develop a novel selectively aerotolerant strain …
The scientific objective of this study was to develop a simple audit kit to quantitatively assess and validate microbial decontamination of environmental …
Environmentally stable and disinfectant-resistant oocysts (eggs) of Cryptosporidium parvum (C. parvum) and other species shed in the feces of infected humans …
CREM Co Labs has custom-built facilities as well as extensive experience for studying the fate of all major classes of human pathogens indoors and to …
Our experts on mathematical modeling use cutting-edge software to simulate and model different aspects of IPAC and biological …
We work with manufacturers to develop safer and sustainable technologies as well as test protocols for environmental …
We collaborate with universities and other research organizations to develop and refine cutting-edge technologies …
Scientists at CREM Co Labs have recently developed a quantitative method to assess the decontamination …