Wet Lab Space for Lease

 Explore our available lab spaces for lease:

  • Bench Rental: Perfect for biotech startups, with access to essential equipment including a biological safety cabinet (BSC), incubator, and autoclave.

  • Wet Lab (1000 sq ft): Includes office space and will be available for lease starting February 2025.

  • Two Wet Labs: One approximately 2000 sq ft and the other around 1500 sq ft, both available for lease in October 2025.

For inquiries, please call 905-510-0111 or email info@cremco.ca.

Location: 3403 American Drive, Mississauga, in the Greater Toronto Area, has hosted numerous biotech companies over the years. Our wet labs, ranging from 1000 to 4000 sq ft, are ready to use and feature:

  • Access to a shared facility with two autoclaves, a glass washer, water purification system, and an oven.
  • Each lab includes a fume hood, office space, and a storage area.
  • A boardroom within the building is available for reservation.

Below, you’ll find images highlighting our lab space and state-of-the-art facilities.



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